It's been a while since I was here. What'd I miss?
Nah- I'm just fucking with you.
Since the last time I was here, a lot of shit has happened. Most of it, I've either ranted about on Facebook or posted to You can catch up there.
Here? Well for some fifteen years or so, I wrote a piece called Bean Spouts for a small paper based in Pooler called The Spirit of The Westside, at the behest of my dear, departed friend Alison Hartley. Every Monday night (okay, most every Monday night), I'd get home from work and bang out 1200 words or so. Eventually, I began emailing the column to friends who'd asked for it, and- some time later- began sharing the posts, here, too.
The column started out to be sports focused. That got to be a tad... limiting? Since Alison and Steve (her husband- now also deceased) never censored me, and appreciated the content, Bean Spouts evolved into more of an opinion piece. Eventually, though, I just ran out of steam, and gave up. Best I can tell from the index here, I turned in my last weekly column 10 years ago this April. Alison understood.
So, to tie it in to the headline, we're going to try something a little... different? (Different for me, anyway.) I'm inviting you to send me a topic you'd like to read some thoughts on. Think of it as a write-in talk show, without the talking. If I get any takers, I'll select one a week (or possibly more- I'm not making any promises) and post about it.
This was inspired (as it was) by a friend (who'll remain nameless and, therefore, blameless) who suggested I start a podcast. Since that sounds like a lot of work (I don't know, I'm too lazy to look it up), I thought we'd go with this instead.
Post suggestions below, or email 'em to me.
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